
Melissa Kaplan's
Herp Care Collection
Last updated January 1, 2014

Flukers Farms + = Animal Exports to Asian Food Markets?

Looking for clarification...

Melissa Kaplan, 10/31/2002


Recently, many herpers were spammed by a new web service, Some of us don't like spammers, especially when it appears that they compile their mailing lists by spidering message boards. In looking into this particular company, some disturbing coincidences were found: (Fluker Farms International) was registered by:

FFI Reptile S.A. de C.V.
Alma Brizuela
5333 Paseo General Escalon, Apto. 5-4
San Salvador, SV
Tel: 503-263-7858

FFI's phone number is also the number for:

SYS Reptile Farms, S.A de C.V.
KM 42.1/2 Carret. A Comalapa
San Luis Talpa, La Paz
Tel: 503-273-8652, 503-263-7858


was registered by*:

China Foods
Howard Chan (Haward Chang)
Condimenio Penthouse
San Salvador, ES SV
Tel: 503-263-9955

China Foods/ReptilianClassifieds phone number is also the number for:

Restaurante Dynasty
(Chinese Food)
Boulevard del Hipodromo 738B,
Ave. Las Magnolias, Col. San Benito,
San Salvador, El Salvador
Tel: 503-263-9955; 279-0590; 263-8615


FFI/SYS Reptile Farms is also registered as doing business under the following name and addresses:

Iguanas Tropicales, S.A. De C.V.
Paseo Gral. Escalon, Cond. Penthouse, #5333 Apto.5-4
San Salvador
Tel. 503-263-7858
Note that this is the address for Fluker Farms Internations (FFI) and, and the same phone number for FFI, ReptileRepublic, and SYS Reptile Farms

Jose Francisco Melendez
KM. 41, Autopista A Comalapa
San Luis Talpa, La Paz
Tel: 503-273-8653
Exports: Iguanas
Note that this address appears to be next door to SYS Reptiles and is the same phone number as that of SYS Reptile Farms, Iguanas Tropicales, Fluker Farms International, and ReptileRepublic.

According to, Sr. Melendez also does business as:

Jose Francisco Melendez Perez
Ctro. Comercial Metro
España Local No 11, 3, 13 C. Ote.
San Salvador, El Salvador, C.A.
Contact: Rosa Emelina Ramos De Melendez
Exporting live iguana, live lizards, and lizard meat.

Per, Fluker Farms International (FFI) imports live animals and "therapeutic products" (?) into El Salvador, and exports live iguanas.

Des Wong has done the lion share of finding the above information. If anyone has more information on the connection between FFI (and all it's DBAs) and China Food/, please let us know.

And then there's the question: would you, as a herp keeper looking to sell or trade any of your reptiles, consider doing so on a classifieds service owned by a company called China Foods whose phone number is also that of a Chinese restaurant?

As many people know, I am well aware and have no problem with the diversity of what people around the world eat. I do mind if what they are eating is an endangered or threatened species, especially when the animal is killed solely to be consumed, in whole or in part, for aphrodisiac or "medical" reasons. If someone wants or needs to eat lizard or snake or whatever, that's fine, too, so long as the animal is killed humanely and as much of the animal and its remains are used (rather than, say, slaughtering a shark for its fin, a bear for its gall bladder, or a tegu because its skin makes such a nice watch band). It is not fine to sell or otherwise spuriously obtain food/medicinal animals, letting pet owners think their pets are going to a new home or to be rehomed. Again, I don't know if this is why ReptilianClassifieds exists, but that Chinese restaurant connection bothers quite a few of us.

There is an ethical problem with an individual or corporate entity obtaining the animals or facilitating the acquisition of pet animals under false pretenses. If anyone can help shed some light on these connections, please let me know.

There is also a discussion about on

See also Fluker Farms takes a Web site gamble with "Reptile Republic"

11-28-2002 Update:
After this situation was discussed on some herp forums in mid November 2002, on November 26 Reptilian Classifieds changed their domain registration
contacts from China Foods to E-Dataport. To date, their placeholder,, remains registered to China Foods/Howard Chan.

Additional source information:
El Salvador Exporter Catalog: Flora y Fauna Tropico de El Salvador; Animales Vivos

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